- Czech University of Life Sciences Prague
- University de Liege
- Agraren Universitet Plovdiv
- Aintek Symvouloi Epicheiriseon Efarmoges Ypsilis Technologias Ekpaidefsi Anonymi Etaireia
- Community Rural and Social Development Partnership Limited
- TREBAG Szellemi tulajdon- és Projektmenedzser Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság
Czech University of Life Sciences Prague (CZU) is one of leading educational and research centres for agrarian sector, food, forestry, wood processing, environment and ecology, economics and management, informatics, rural and regional development in the Czech Republic. It consists of six faculties (Agrobiology, Food & Natural Resources; Economics & Management; Engineering; Environmental Sciences; Forestry & Wood Sciences; Tropical AgriSciences) and one institute (Education & Communication). CZU offers bachelor, master and doctoral education for about 18,000 students (incl. about 3,000 international students from more than 100 countries) in various areas of bioeconomy and related sectors. Study programmes address the whole agri-food chain, forestry (incl. agri-forestry) with special interest in mountain areas with their value chains, but also leisure activities related to nature (e.g. horse breeding, dog breeding or game management) or rural development. Programmes with education in economics and management or cultural studies are in great demand. The university provides also education in information science, ecology and environmental studies, utilization of natural resources, landscape protection and landscape architecture, spatial planning or technologies used in life sciences (agriculture, food and forestry). A special segment of education is represented by programmes in tropical agriculture and in education. About one third of the study programmes is taught in English with more than 2,500 students involved. Research activities of the university target the focus areas of the faculties under the umbrella of bioeconomy. The research areas are concentrated in 3 research pillars: healthy lifestyles (forestry value chains, sustainability, cultural landscape, climatic change), healthy nutrition (agriculture and food production and food safety) and quality of life (nature protection, green technologies, entrepreneurship and rural development). The university promotes the cooperation with various actors in the society (ranging from business partners to public administration or NGOs).
- Contact person: Ludmila Dömeova
ČZU vytváří chytrý kampus budoucnosti: spolu s T-Mobile staví nejmodernější 5G Stand Alone kampusovou síť Česká zemědělská univerzita v Praze (ČZU) podepsala se společností T-Mobile Czech Republic memorandum o dlouhodobé spolupráci, která zahrnuje vybudování
komplexně digitalizovaného kampusu a dalších univerzitních ...
The University of Liege or Uliège (formerly Ulg), is one of the three main and complete Universities of the French speaking Community of Belgium. Founded in 1817 by William I of the Netherlands, the University now has eleven faculties, located in three cities (Liège, Gembloux and Arlon) and on four campuses (Liège Sart Tilman, Liège city center, Gembloux Agro -Bio Tech, and Arlon Campus Environment). Uliège provides one of the largest and most varied educational offers in the country: philosophy and letters, law, political science, criminology, social science, applied science, medicine, veterinary medicine, psychology, logopaedics, educational sciences, architecture, management, agronomical science and bioengineering. Nowadays, the University hosts 25,000 students, in which 24 % are foreign. 23% of graduated students have an abroad experience and 45% of doctoral students are foreigners. Uliège is a member of the European EURAXESS (European Research Area - Mobility of Researcher) and has established the Centre of Mobility of the University of Liege who can help doctoral students with practical aspects and has been rewarded the European Human resources Strategy Label for researchers. It has concluded more than 1500 international agreements in the framework of Erasmus programme as well as worldwide. In the field of research, Uliège is involved in 10 FP7 projects, 66 H2020 and 10 ERC grants. Founded in 1860 and integrated into Uliège in 2009, Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech (known as FUSAGx) is the oldest Belgian educational and research institution dedicated exclusively to agronomy and biological engineering. For over 150 years, it has trained academics and engineers capable of meeting society's expectations in the fields of environmental protection, production, processing and development of bio-resources, economics and rural development. Developing top-level research is one of the priorities of the faculty. In order to achieve this, it focuses on bringing together the skills and disciplines needed to meet the needs of its research partners and the challenges of innovation within two research units (TERRA and Agro-Bio Tech), Support Cells for Research and Education (CARE) and different technical platforms.
- Contact person: Philippe BURNY
The Agricultural University (AU) of Plovdiv was established in 1945. It is the only specialized state university in Bulgaria in the area of agricultural and related sciences, enjoying national, European and international prestige. In 2019 it was granted an institutional accreditation with a grade of 9.61 on the ten-point scale, which places our educational institution among the top three universities in Bulgaria. The university mission is (1) To provide high quality training, guaranteeing student knowledge, entrepreneurial skills, self-confidence for successful transition to the Bulgarian and European labour market; (2) To train experts who are able to provide healthy and safe food, feed and biofuels, complying to the high requirements of the European standards through the use of innovative practices under the conditions of the information society; (3) To conduct fundamental and applied research studies, oriented towards rapid implementation in practice for adequate integration of the sector into European agriculture; (4) To build a responsible attitude towards farming as a provider of public services, including those related to climate change; (5) To preserve the love of the Bulgarians of the land, the thirst for knowledge and the traditions of the higher agricultural education, giving increasing importance to values and ethical public understanding for preserving traditional products and production technologies. The major structural units are the four faculties (Faculty of Agronomy, Faculty of Horticulture with Viticulture, Faculty of Plant Protection and Agroecology, Faculty of Economics). Training is provided for acquiring the Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in eight professional fields. 27 doctoral programmes are also available. The Centre of Continuing Education (Lifelong Learning Centre) is an important unit in the University structure. Its main mission is to provide lifelong learning possibilities for the present students and for people from agricultural business who can acquire key competencies. The aim of training is to support the professional career and individual development of the course participants. The programmes are approved by the Bulgarian Food Safety Agency and the State Fund for Agriculture. Every year the Centre organizes and conducts training at the request of the Ministry of Agriculture, the State Fund for Agriculture and other ministries for retraining of their employees. The University addresses the current and future technologies in agronomy, plant protection, agroecology, environment safety, marketing and management of agri-food holdings, agri-food quality and safety, recycling, etc. Extensive experimental fields (i.e. vineyards, horticulture and animal husbandry) allow for integrated applied research in priority areas such as food and nutrition security, sustainable agriculture and forestry, environmental quality and food safety, responses to climate change, environment and resource efficiency. Various animal breeds are maintained for training and reproduction purposes. The herds of cows and sheep, as well as the silk-worm genetic resources are registered in the National Genetic Fund. AU developed a technical research assignment by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry: Analysis of the impact of agriculture on the environment and climate change as a fundamental element of the Strategic Plan for the Common Agricultural Policy of the Republic of Bulgaria for the programme period 2021-2027. AU is active in the international education scene through Erasmus+ cooperation with foreign universities for project implementation and exchange of students and teachers, improvement of curricula and study programmes, double and joint degrees within Europe, and with Central Asia and Africa.
- Contact person: Boryana Ivanova

IDEC is a training and consulting company located in Piraeus, Greece, established since 1989. Its activities consist of training, management consulting, quality assurance, evaluation and development of digital solutions for both private and public sector. Clients of IDEC are both SMEs and the bigger Greek companies from a wide variety of sectors. IDEC co-operates
with more than 800 institutes all over Europe and with about 300 experts on specific fields. IDEC has 37 permanent staff, 10 interns/ year and around 20 external trainers that it cooperates regularly, providing training to approx. 300 international adult trainees annually. IDEC has extensive experience in European projects, either as coordinator or as a partner within different European programs and Initiatives. Over the last 18 years IDEC has worked extensively on the area of quality assurance in training and has coordinated the projects EQUAL,, BEQUAL and QUADRAT on this topic. IDEC also has consulting experience in developing Quality Management systems in Greek training centres. IDEC is accredited as a lifelong learning centre, organising in-service training courses for teachers and trainers, study visits and informal learning activities for students in initial education and training, and provides training courses and work placements for students in vocational training and people in the labour market. IDEC ́s main areas of expertise are: management consulting, business planning, entrepreneurship, SMEs, quality management, certification, design of training contents based on ECVET, software and multimedia development, internet applications, distance learning, e-business and ecommerce. In the field of Lifelong learning, IDEC has experience in European policies regarding LLL and in particular EQF, ECVET, Europass, EQAVET, validation of non-formal and informal learning and in national reforms of education and training systems. It has successfully undertaken the contract with CEDEFOP “Europass, ECVET and EQF for documentation, validation and certification of learning outcomes”.
- Contact person: Christos Tsigkounis
CESIE Italy Sicilia Palermo

CESIE is a non-profit and non-governmental organisation based in Palermo (Italy) and established in 2001. CESIE is committed to promote the cultural, social, educational and economic development at local, national, European and international levels. CESIE contributes to growth and development through the active participation of people, civil society and institutions, always valuing diversity. Inspired by the work and life of Danilo Dolci, we focus our actions on the research of social needs and challenges and the use of innovative learning approaches. In this way, CESIE actively connects research with action through the use of formal and non-formal learning approaches. The organisational structure is divided into 6 thematic units working in synergy and managing activities in their specific fields: - Adult education (Lifelong learning opportunities) - School education (Innovation and support of diversity in school education) CESIE is a non-profit organisation officially recognized by the Italian Government since 2001. CESIE is accredited by the University of Palermo for internships and by the Sicilian Region for Vocational Training and orientation. - Migration - Youth – Higher Education and Research - Rights and Justice. The units are supported by 3 geographical departments (Local, European and International) and 4 transversal offices (Visibility and Communication, Networking, HRs, Financial). Moreover, CESIE benefits from a broad network of partners with 3000+ civil society organisations, youth centres, social actors, schools, universities, research centres, public authorities, enterprises and entrepreneurs in the world. CESIE staff is composed of 70 people with a wide range of qualifications, skills and professional profiles, united by a deep sharing of ideals that lead our activities. The team has an international character being composed not only by Italians, but also by people from the UK, Germany, France, Spain, Serbia, Greece, Lithuania, Nepal, Ukraine, etc. CESIE is therefore considered to be a very concrete and positive example of European values. At the same time, CESIE relies on 150+ external experts that collaborate for specific activities and projects. Equally important is the contribution from dozens of interns and European and international volunteers engaged in internships at our organization per year.
- Contact person: Filippo Corbelli

Meath Partnership is a county-wide NGO responsible for the design and implementation of local, rural and community development programmes in Meath. We focus on building the capacity of communities through the delivery of a range of services and initiatives tackling persistent incidence of exclusion and disadvantage, playing a strategic role in the economic development of the County. We are a not-for-profit organisation with charitable status. All of our activities are guided by a bottom-up approach directly responding to the needs of our target groups, customers and local partners.
Meath Partnership is responsible for the implementation of the LEADER – Rural Development Programme, Erasmus+ Programmes, Social Inclusion and Community Activation Programme, Meath Volunteer Centre, TÚS Work Placement Scheme and the Rural Social Scheme. It has a highly trained staff of 40 persons with specific and relevant skill sets. As mentioned, we are responsible for the implementation of the LEADER programme in our territory, and focus on improving the economic, social and cultural quality of life through the creation of sustainable rural communities in County Meath. We provide the following services and supports to our target groups: Capital investment, training opportunities and mentoring support for the development and expansion of micro-enterprises; Confidential online and face-to-face career coaching and mentoring service for jobseekers; Targeted training and HR support to local employers and employees; Up-skilling opportunities to low-skilled workers and jobseekers through work-placement programmes; Industry-focussed training opportunities for jobseekers in the areas of e-business, eco-tourism, artisan food, creative industries, renewable energy, tourism and hospitality etc.; Basic training programmes for lone parents, early school leavers, older people, migrants and low income farm families.
Meath Partnership is also responsible for delivery of the Social Inclusion and Community Activation Programme (SICAP) in Meath. The role of Meath Partnership in promoting social inclusion and quality of life within county Meath is best defined through the aims of programmes and services we provide which include increasing awareness, knowledge and uptake of a wide range of statutory, voluntary and community services available to residents in Meath; supporting people's work readiness and employment prospects through a range of innovative training programme and support services; promoting lifelong learning at community level and encouraging participation in social, educational, cultural and recreational activities; advocating and supporting active engagement with policy, practice and decision making processes on matters affecting local communities; encouraging volunteering and active citizenship.
- Contact person: Stephanie Kirwan

Trebag Intellectual Property and Project Manager Ltd is a Hungarian private company and wellbeing living lab with huge network locally and regionally among stakeholders and actors in the VET sector. The company was established in 1989 as a German-Hungarian company. Since 1994, the owners of TREBAG Ltd are Hungarian private persons. TREBAG has been a significant actor in the field of VET with the main focus on the liaison between youth and the business sector. It has a great stock of experience, know-how and contacts in the following fields: development of vocational training materials and methodologies including e-learning carrying out trainings implementation of technology transfer and innovation chain management education serious game developer management of various R&D projects R+D and innovation management consultancy TREBAG established and operates the Innovation Lodge and the Wellbeing Living Lab in Nagykovacsi, which is a member of the European Network of Living Labs ( and cooperates with an extended network of local and regional organizations including the Municipality, several schools, community centres, companies and VET providers. We promoted a prize-winning Award for Excellence of Erasmus + project in 2017 PLENTIS project (2014-1-HU01-KA202-002365)” Play&Learn Entrepreneurial Skills in the Agricultural Sector” and this project has hackathon award in Italy in 2018. Our Leonardo project that was prized on the eFestival in Hungary (2005). Besides we won the European Seal of Excellence in Multimedia prize on the CEEBIT (2006), while in 2014 the OpenInn project was selected among the best European projects among many. TREBAG has wide experience in European projects and transnational cooperation for 20 years with special focus on innovation, R+D and training. The company has participated in more than 50 projects in Erasmus+ LLL in KA4, KA3, Leonardo da Vinci and Grundtvig programs and in this year started H2020 R+D project too. We have practice in project coordination too, we work(ed) as coordinator 5 project in Erasmus+. TREBAG currently employs 8-10 people on a permanent basis – with qualifications in pedagogy, engineering, healthcare management, technical management, economy, agricultural engineering, psychology, etc. – and collaborates with external trainers, experts, IT staff.
- Contact person: Andrea Kövesd